So, a thought that I just had: Looking around at some of the stranger regions of Youtube, I really get the feeling like I am peering into the subconscious of the human race. It is like getting a glimpse into the collective dreaming of our species. I get this feeling when ever I search on Youtube for anything related to science or intellectual thoughts and the "related video" choices on the right of the screen become weirder and weirder as I jump from video link to video link. I am in awe over the mind boggling abundance of imagination in the form of videos about time travelers exposed, Illuminatus conspiracies, suppressed alien plots and sightings, etc.... It seems that the list is endless in amount and variety. There is also an aspect to it that resembles the Dada and Surrealist methods of collage, where anything and everything is fair game for creating new combinations of absurdity. There are endless apocalyptic "2012 Time of Change" rants, but this is just scratching the surface. From there begins the impressive unravelling of logic and reason. There is the hollow Earth theory, Moon landing hoax, Reptilian overlord race controlling the world governments, Human Extraterrestrial Origin, Messages of brotherhood from the Pleiadians, enough government conspiracies of the Illuminatus to drown a whale, and let's not even get into the Christian stuff. It isn't so strange that all of these ideas are out there, but that there is SO MUCH of it!! Any combination imaginable and hundreds of videos on each topic, each having their own mile-long comment streams. Looking at this endless procession of "warnings" and "Secrets" is really like looking into the dreams of the collective psyche. It is like the human race is in an explosion of imagination and creativity, deep in some hyper active form of REM sleep. Just another of the ways that the internet is connecting the human race into one super-organism, and this is what it looks like to watch that organism dream.