Sunday, November 30, 2014

Singularity links

Links for Tech

10 links showing existing technologies that are precursors to the coming union between humanity and machines (Singularity).

10 links that explain transhumanism and the exponential growth of technology:


Space and physics:




Ideas, innovation and creativity:
>2       (coffee shop)

Intelligent people to watch:
>1 Juan Enriquez
>2 Michio Kaku
>3 Natasha Vita-More

>4 Kevin Kelly

As an artist, I have been concerned for some time about the increasing abundance of images and design due to the internet and spread of technology. I wonder what will happen to the value of individual works due to this reality of millions and perhaps billions of images and ideas available at anyone's fingertips, due to the internet. Things could go in many different directions, as is always true of guesses of the future. This 
What a wonderful topic for us humans to discuss. I only wonder if perhaps this prophecy hasn't already come come to pass and become just a way of operating? After all, isn't the dollar just a symbol of credit that is subject to interpretation and perpetual, temporary adjustments? I am skeptical about the idea of a "once and for all day of reckoning" as it seems that the globe is infinitely resourceful at putting endless band-aids on a false system of inequality and excess. Walking has been described as  intentionally falling forward and throwing your foot out to catch yourself over and over.  At the same time, I do agree that something will have to change when looking at the staggering fact of $14 TRILLION in US Debt. It is pretty mind boggling. Only the future will tell. Among other thing, America has been a great experiment in the system of capitalism. People who like to defend capitalism usually like to use rhetoric like "the market will regulate itself" and..... 

Saturday, November 22, 2014

A cool convo about aquaponic pond-liners

I have a pond question. I would like to incorporate an in ground pond as my fish tank. I currently have a 275 IBC setup but would like to expand to a larger in ground fish tank. Something in the neighborhood of 10'x6' by 4-3 ft deep. This would be about 1800-1350 gallons. My question is what is a suitable liner materiel (ie. rubber, poly)? What is the rule of thumb for grew bed size per gallon of water? Also, most pond builds i see on youtube use mortar to hold the rocks in place. Is mortar okay to use around edible fish? TIA

Paul D. Ulici there are liners, EPDM works, so does the DURASKRIM stuff. HOWEVER, the big problem with this bigger size tank you're thinking of, is the fact that any liner at that size is going to be very expensive. You can find long liners cheap, but wide ones are not cheap. 
Concrete is fine for a pond, and the fish would be most likely ok. The main problem is that concrete will keep raising your PH unless you coat it with something. Some people have used Thoroseal. 
Personally I've thought of creating a larger tank, and if you're going to make something that is lined (out of concrete) I think a good option is to make it narrower and longer, so you don't need a really wide liner. You can find 10 foot wide liners much cheaper than anything wider. 
I like those tanks someone posted not long ago that were made out of plastic sheeting or whatever that was. no need for a liner, and quite big.

Chris Magree i ordered my liner from webb's  (20' x 20' liner, $250.)

  • Mike La Compte Thanks Paul for the info. I will look into it. Chris, what are the dimensions of your pond and liner?
  • Chris Magree i got the 20x20 liner ($250ish) my pond is odd shaped....basically 12x15x4
    28 mins · Unlike · 2
  • Mike La Compte It looks amazing. And the price of the liners are alot cheaper then i thought on Webb's. Since yours is raised how deep did you dig to get the 4 foot depth?

Chris Magree it's just raised 8" (cement blocks, concrete, rebar) so i could have a shelf around the edges for plants ... so i still dug down at least 3' (probably more) but the sides got built up as i was digging that helped...but if you do that make sure you compress the loose soil before you build on the edges....

  • Jim Joy Another issue is you need as much volume of media bed as water volume for fish minimum. Up to four times the volume of grow bed volume is better. If only 1:1, lightly populate the fish. Or, you will have to start doing water changes if the grow beds can't convert ammonia fast enough or plants can't consume nitrates fast enough. Have fun.
    17 mins · Like · 1
  • Mike La Compte the side walls was going to be my next question but you beat me to it  Thanks Chris Magree
  • Chris Magree i'm not sure what angle the main pond is...the sides are pretty steep but not so much they'd ever cave in....i dug it by hand and made sure to carve out "steps" in one corner so i could get out without hurting
    12 mins · Like · 1
  • Mike La Compte So if i do the math right, for a 1800 gallon fish tank i would need 7200 volume of grow beds. This would equal about 6 beds that are 20x3x3. I may want to re evaluate the fish pond size  Thanks Jim Joy
    6 mins · Like

Monday, November 17, 2014

Galt Painting

"The Exodus of John Galt"
by Neil Collins

23" x 24"
Oil on Masonite

Completed on November 16, 2014

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Khan Acamemy Classes

I am currently taking classes on the website Khan Academy.

Here are my first avatars. They are called "Leafers" and they
evolve as you complete more classwork.

This is my current avatar that is my favorite.

Here are the classes I have taken and am taking...

27% Completed

100% Completed

100% completed

100% completed

100% Completed

53% Completed

0% Completed

 This is the text being used for the
macro-economics courses.

100% Completed

100% Completed

100% Completed

68% Completed

84% Completed

10% Completed

17% Completed

 9% Completed