Friday, January 10, 2025

2025 Solar Culture painting

Jan. 10, 2025. I just received the 48" x 48" wood panel to start the project. I just ordered the Gesso. The annual show will be called "Rejuvenation". Submission time is the first week of March and the opening night will be Saturday, March 15 from 6 to 9.
Brainstorming for the piece:

>Scribble and put paint until something begins to emerge.
>Have Pia make a "cyber punk bartender scene" with AI.
>Divide the area into some number of squares... like say 30. Then paint one of the squares a day.  
>Make something with Perchance.
>Make something with Nightcafe.
>Talk to the AI as a way to brainstorm ideas.
>Meditate with the painting.
>Begin painting and then change my mind later.
>Begin painting and let the chips fall where they may.
>Write about what Im going through or what im interested in and then find ways to represent those things with imagery and symbols.
> Write ideas on the theme of "Rejuvenation", then come up with imagery and symbols for that.
>Lots of creative and unique faces swirling in a techo-psychedellic mess!