Thursday, January 1, 2015

New Year's Day Dream
Today, January 1st, New Years Day, 2015, I took a nap and then woke up from a vivid and intricate dream. 
The Dream: 
As a gift I got a graphic novel. It was a magic book. The book was blank, like a sketchbook. As I began painting on a page, the book would tell the story by guiding me in what to paint. That would go on for a few pages then it also came with an audiobook. I could listen for awhile then switch back to the painting.Through painting and listening, the story unfolded. At first the story showed an apocalyptic future and explaining how the future had gotten that way. Then the story changed into being about how a Resource Based Economy would come about instead; with many catastrophes, adventures, and idiotic scenarios along the way. I found myself crying as I watched the blundering decisions of the human species. In the end, I saw a series of paintings, in which the donkey and the elephant were doing a variety of absurd activities, surrounded by a scribbled charred mess of a landscape. They played games, they fought, they debated, they held each other at gun point, they competed for paper money - while the earth became a rubble heap; a corpse.

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