Saturday, June 29, 2019

UBI as transition to RBE

An RBE is certainly the goal and UBI is an important step towards getting there. It isn't really so much about the amount,$1000 a month. UBI does something far more important that I have almost never heard talked about. Our current system depends upon the idea that you have to "earn" your right to exist. If you do not have money, be it inherited, worked for, stolen or otherwise, then you might as well die. This is the complete opposite of the basic RBE train of thought. Changing this fundamental thing that capitalism depends on is the number one first step towards the RBE. I really feel that as long as that simple fact of capitalism remains, we will not make progress to the RBE.

"If you do not have or 'earn' money, you have no actual right to live".

This is like a primary line of code at the heart of the global operating system we live in. UBI erases that one simple line of code, changes it to:

"You have value because you are human. You have the right to exist because you exist."

This is important on an epic level! This is the thing I urge everyone who craves for the better world to grasp. It is not a small thing and needs to be understood. It is not so much about the dollar amount (although that also matters). It is more about changing the story that capitalism requires for its survival.

NAC 6/29/2019

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